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Donor Relations

StuMo staff members gather a team of individuals, churches and companies who fund their ministries. Our efforts are only made possible through the generous donations and prayers of people like you. Thank you! You are a vital part in our ministry.


Below you can find answers to many general questions:



How do i Set up a recurring donation?

You can give online using your bank or credit account. With this link you can also change a recurring gift, change your address and download giving statements.






To give by mail, you can mail a check to "StuMo", P.O. Box 567, Conway, AR 72033. (Please include on a separate slip of paper the StuMo staff member or ministry you wish to benefit from your gift).



Is StuMo sponsored by a church?

In the past year hundreds of churches of different denominations supported StuMo and StuMo staff members. No formal relationship exists with a particular church or denomination. Yet, many church missions committees and individual church members have chosen to partner with StuMo over the years. StuMo enjoys a relationship with a variety of biblically-based bodies of believers.



How is StuMo funded?

StuMo has an annual budget of about $20 million. Close to 75% of this support is raised by staff members for Student Mobilization. These funds are used to pay these staff members' salaries and ministry expenses, as well as an administrative fee to help cover the support services provided to our staff members. Approximately $300,000 is raised by the Development department as "Synergy Funds", which covers these same support services. Almost 20% of the revenue comes from support raised by students for summer projects and fees provided for our annual student conference. StuMo is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).



Where can i VIEW stumo's annual report?

2020 Annual Report | 2021 Annual Report | 2022 Annual Report



Is Personal Support Raising a biblical approach?

Personal support raising can be a challenge both to the staff member raising support and sometimes to those who may be asked for support. Yet this approach is, indeed, biblical.


The apostle Paul was a master influencer by his Jewish background coupled with the power of the Holy Spirit. He committed his life to establishing healthy churches throughout Asia. Indeed, his tainted personal history (as a persecutor of the church) and his role as a church pioneer created many challenges for him. He encountered controversy within the churches and he encountered persecution from outside them. In Acts 21 we see an example of the both as he attempts to enter Jerusalem to discuss his ministry with the leaders of the founding church of Christianity.


One of the greatest struggles with spiritual maturity came in Corinth. Paul was instrumental in founding this church, which was likely made up of many Gentiles who had no background of giving financially as a form of worship. In addition to many other struggles with worldliness, the Corinthians had a problem with Paul receiving their financial support. It is interesting to note that the Corinthians did not have this problem with other “ministers”, which were not nearly as instrumental in their faith. In fact, some of these were likely false brothers who sought to drive a wedge between the Corinthians and Paul, while enjoying financial support from the Corinthians themselves. These charlatans had a worldly advantage over Paul in that they were good talkers compared to Paul and probably were also physically attractive, which Paul was not.


Yet Paul was a great writer and had truth on his side. In First Corinthians 9, Paul lays out for the Corinthians both the biblical basis for supporting those who invest spiritually, as well as his own specific right for financial support from the Corinthians. These claims are no clearer than in I Corinthians 9:14: “In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the Gospel should receive their living from the gospel.”


By refusing their support, though entitled to it in every way, we see that Paul’s motivation for this teaching is solely to edify the Corinthians, versus make a play for their resources. He seeks to grow them past their worldly focus on money into a biblical view of investing eternally in the Kingdom. It is too risky for him to accept what is due him, because it will confuse babes in Christ who are still very sensitive to a wordily view of material resources.


Today, Christianity has many denominations and strategic approaches to ministry, from independent missions efforts by small bodies of believers to large coordinated cooperation’s of thousands of churches. The Lord has blessed each of these efforts and everything in between. StuMo’s model for fund raising is more like Paul’s model, with individuals sharing their ministry with others and asking for their partnership.


What do we believe?

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“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Matthew 9:37


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Student Mobilization

P.O. Box 567

Conway, AR 72033

(501) 329-7676

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