I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
JOHN 15:5
I hope you will be encouraged as you read our report! The ministry of Student Mobilization has been growing in an extreme environment. After 25 years as a great ministry on a few campuses and then about ten years as a growing regional ministry, Student Mobilization is emerging.
Our Kaleo Summer Project participation used to be 100 students – sometimes fewer. In 2021 Kaleo was over one thousand. After almost 30 years serving StuMo, I can tell you, I did not necessarily expect to be at this point! I’m thinking this is what happens when you have a ministry full of spiritual extremophytes – young leaders willing to seek God even in difficult places and during challenging seasons.
For campus ministers who abide in the Vine, these challenging days can actually provide more spiritual fruit than easier times. We’re currently engaging students on college campuses in 10 states: Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Colorado, Arizona, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania. And we’re back! Working in three countries — Japan, the Philippines and another Asian land.
Thank you for allowing us to be your partners in reaching this generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your prayers and your gifts are God’s precious provision to us as we bear fruit in extreme conditions. The light of Jesus shines brightest when it is the darkest.

New Campus Spotlight
Our staff team at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is now in the middle of year two since launching in the fall of 2021. Since launching we have given our greatest time, energy, and prayers towards three crucial things:
1. Building relationships with as many students possible in Greek life, student-athletes and students in the residence halls.
2. Hosting as many faith discussions possible for these students to attend and investigate their faith.
3. A high volume of personal evangelism with the students who are coming to the faith discussions.
We are so grateful for how God provided so many open doors in our first year so that we can build a strong foundation for the many years ahead. We are trusting that God would use our lives to create a multiplying movement on the campus and send out students all over the world from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Launching in Fall 2023
Arizona State
“Lord, we trust you. Please lead us to spiritually hungry students. Please give us favor and open up doors for us.” On our first trip to Arizona State University we were nervous, excited, and confident that God would lead us to the exact students He wanted us to meet. We couldn’t have imagined how much God would do in a few short hours. Within minutes of being on a campus containing 75,000 students, we met leaders from seven different Greek houses!
The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. In the words of a ministry leader in Tempe, “ASU desperately needs StuMo… Nobody is reaching Greek students.” In the Fall of 2023, our team will be on campus reaching the lost and raising up the next generation of laborers from ASU.
Mississippi State
With just a few months before we’re set to launch to Starkville, Mississippi, our team took a trip to make some connections on campus at Mississippi State. Within just a few hours of our first day, our staff were able to connect with students from all over campus, including some of the largest Greek houses and multiple different athletic teams.
We immediately noticed the open doors that God provided our staff as the students that we met were extremely inviting, warm and seemed very open to the Gospel. Multiple students that we met asked us to reach out to them when we move so that they can get involved in our ministry and grow in their faith. We are extremely eager to get on campus and watch the Lord raise up laborers!
Known for being one of the largest Greek life schools in the country, Alabama hosts more than 7,000 fraternity and sorority members. After visiting campus for just a few days recently, our team was able to make connections in many of the larger Greek houses. Students from all over the country come here for the elite social life this campus has to offer. They are chasing life here in ways they will never find it.
One of the girls we got to know mentioned, “I have been wanting so badly to help my sorority sisters know Jesus, but I have no idea how to. I am doing my best just to be faithful not to give into what everyone else around me is doing.” Our team is excited to see what God does when we launch next fall. Roll Tide Roll!

530 Salvations

433 Laborers*
*A Laborer is defined as a disciple who shares the gospel multiple times a semester, takes initiative to lead others spiritually and is committed to spiritual multiplication

250 Grads Mobilized

StuMo Spiritual Leaders
Our vision is to meet college students, reach them with the gospel, establish them in their faith, equip them for ministry and send them out as laborers for a lifetime in one of these areas:
As a student, Jeff came to faith at the end of his freshman year at K-State and began to grow rapidly. He said, “I thought I had a relationship with Christ, but when I read the Scriptures, I found out there was so much more to following Jesus.” Jeff spent 4 summers at StuMo’s summer training program, Kaleo, and learned how to lead other spiritually. Upon graduating, Jeff decided that he wanted to continue his development as a spiritual leader and is currently working with a ministry called “Eikon”. Eikon Ministries is in Memphis, Tennessee and their mission is to “build leaders who will change their communities from the inside out.” Jeff is currently serving with a ministry team that is committed to sharing the gospel and equipping leaders to make an impact in some of the most disadvantaged areas of Memphis. The training and equipping that Jeff received from StuMo, God is graciously using to transform the city of Memphis!

Memphis, TN
Mason began his relationship with God during his sophomore year of college. Slowly but surely, he began to get to know God through His Word and fell in love with His mission. Mason spent the summer after his junior year in South Africa on a StuMo summer team and grew a heart for God’s mission beyond just his campus. As he was considering what to do after graduation, the only thing Mason knew was that he wanted to be wherever God wanted him to be. So, he began to apply for many different post-graduate options.Through this, he got a position on a team with Campus Outreach in Birmingham, England, on a college campus! Mason is currently preparing to go spend the next two-years working with college students who have grown up in a postmodern culture.

Birmingham, England
Ryan graduated in 2022 from the University of Kansas and is currently working as an engineer in Kansas City. Since graduating, Ryan has only grown deeper in his walk with God and is more committed to taking the gospel to those that don’t know Christ. Ryan and several other grads who are seeking to make disciples, decided to move into an apartment complex that’s a hub for unbelieving young professionals. The apartment complex is more expensive and not necessarily what they would prefer, however, they made the decision to live there for the sake of potential ministry opportunties. God has blessed that decision with many avenues to share the gospel and display Christ. One of Ryan’s new friends began to follow Christ. He currently lives with a young believer whom he’s helping develop in the basics of the faith. It’s been an encouragement to see Ryan only grow more and more post-college and make disciples wherever he is at.

Kansas City, MO
SMC (StuMo Conference)
When we first began SMC (StuMo Conference) in 2009, we were all one region and had just over 400 people. Our growth over these years is an amazing testimony to God's grace working through our collective labors. In 2021, we launched a second SMC in Kansas City to increase access to our winter conference.
In 2022, 3,361 students gathered in both Kansas City and Dallas, to hear from dynamic speakers across the country about what it looks like to follow Christ in college. We’re excited SMC is happening again in just a few short weeks.

3,361 Attendees

291 Salvations
"God opened my eyes to realize that there's so much more to my life... He has inspired me to develop a strong relationship with Him so I can help people out of the darkness, just as others did for me."
- Jaedy, Northwest Missouri State University
"The main sessions at SMC had a big impact on me by showing me what it truly means to follow Christ."
- Tia, Texas Tech University
"The talks at SMC were so powerful. It was truly something I had never experienced/felt before."
- Autumn, University of Central Arkansas
"My view on Christ has changed after these couple of days and I’m excited to pursue my faith. I think I was just ignorant to the gospel."
- Shane, University of Oklahoma
For the past 40 years our ministry has hosted a summer growth experience called the Kaleo Summer Projects. “Kaleo” is a Greek word which means, “To call, summon or invite.” StuMo staff and student leaders invite students to invest their lives in a nine-week discipleship and leadership development program which has become known as “The Summer of Your Life.”
For 60 days, college students from all over the nation live together in close quarters, get jobs in the community, learn to study the Bible, commit to attending local churches and grow lifelong friendships. They learn to share their faith in Jesus and then interact with co-workers and beachgoers about the gospel. The summer includes both a weekend Relationships Conference and Missions Conference with Biblical teaching. Kaleo is also an opportunity for many students who have dealt with a lifetime of pornography use to share struggles and gain hope from education on addictions, loving accountability and support.
Thank you for supporting the Kaleo Summer Projects in Orlando, Gulf Shores, Destin and Panama City Beach. You are investing in the moms, dads, teachers, business leaders, pastors and missionaries of the future!
Kaleo 2022
Kaleo Attendance
"Before Kaleo, I had never shared the gospel with someone, didn’t really have a heart for the nations, didn’t memorize Scripture, and had never thought about how to study God’s Word to interpret it the right way."
-Carleigh, Oklahoma State University

total Kaleo attendees
across 4 different cities

804 Students

295 Student Leaders

6753 Gospel Shares
The Summer of Your Life
Students from Oklahoma universities share why Kaleo 2022 was a summer to remember.

Kaleo Home Base
Transforming the Ministry for Decades to Come
$11 Million Committed! $6 Million Left to Break Ground!
For the past five years, the ministry of Student Mobilization has been prayerfully and actively seeking a solution to the greatest threat to our mission of reaching and mobilizing college students to churches, ministries and communities in the U.S. and around the world. Kaleo Home Base will stabilize and synergize Student Mobilization’s most important and strategic work, the Kaleo Summer Project, and serve a generation of spiritual leaders.
Our effort to provide a stable environment for Kaleo has been on a slippery downhill slope for the past 10 years. Consistent access to beach city locations for Kaleo is no longer possible.
Student Mobilization is a multiplying and emerging ministry. Yet StuMo’s spiritual catalyst, Kaleo, is losing access to its environment. Stewardship means taking decisive action to save Kaleo and transform our access to the beach as a strategic ministry location. We are going all in for Kaleo.
The goal of Kaleo Home Base is to transform our access to a strategic ministry environment from “uncertain and energy-consuming” to “stable and synergizing.” Kaleo Home Base – Phase 1 constructs 60 housing units on 12-and-a-half acres of land owned by StuMo in West Bay, Florida. The location is five miles from the beach between Panama City Beach and Rosemary Beach.
Kaleo can host eight students in each 1300 sq. ft. family-sized unit for a total of 480 students. Kaleo Home Base will be our ministry command post, our “rebel base,” to train and develop a new generation of spiritual leaders by the sea – just as Jesus did.

Overseas Update
"In a culture where it is not common, nor desired to stand out as an individual, our team has witnessed Japanese friends boldly dare to do otherwise. Over the last year, we have seen people decide to follow Christ, tell their families what they are learning about Jesus, go to church, be interested in Christianity and identify with Christ in the workplace. To add to this, most of these things have been done on their own initiative!"
StuMo in Tokyo, Japan
number of people that had exposure to the gospel this year that live in unreached parts of the world.
number of people that have been given decision opportunities to respond to the gospel message.
Would you pray for the unreached* people?
"I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth."
(1 Corinthians 3:6-7)
*Unreached people groups refer to a group of people that have very few if any, local believers.
April 2022
In April, over 300 StuMo staff gathered in DFW for our annual StuMo Staff Conference. Staff Conference is always a highlight for our staff as they get to see friends and co-workers from other StuMo campuses.
We worshipped together, we ate together, prayed together and reminded ourselves why there is a Student Mobilization. Our theme was Deeper. We learned what it means to go deeper in our faith, deeper in our relationships with God, deeper in Christ-like character and deeper in the mission that God has called us to.

Audited financial statements are available upon request. Please reach out to accounting@stumo.org to request a copy.
Support and Revenue
Summer Project Contributions
Program and Conference Fees
Sales Income
Other Income
Total Support and Revenue
Program Services
Management and General
Total Expenses
Executive Leadership

Board of Directors

Welcome our New Staff!

Thank You!
Thank you for your generous giving and your gracious prayers this year. They have been instrumental in God's work through Student Mobilization. You can read about all that God has been doing in our Annual Report. We believe God can use us together even more as we trust Him in 2023!
Below are four giving ideas for investing spiritually in the next generation through StuMo. We are grateful for you and look forward to partnering with you in 2023!